RxSwift + MVVM, my favorite solution

I began to follow this pattern when developing Mango and it’s quickly become one of my favorite and most powerful ways to connect View Models to their controllers. I’ve continued the pattern into Caramel 2 and without a doubt it’s a way I’ll continue to organize code in future projects, even when moving away from RxSwift (someday… maybe sooner than later) or in other language based projects.

One of my biggest struggles with RxSwift was organizing different pipes of data, but by the following and input/output methodology, decluttering and cleanly organizing your channels is a breeze.

Overall A+ and one of my favorite pieces out there. I’ve been learning a lot about RxSwift over the years, but I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get in the loop!

I am Dan Griffin and you can find me on Mastodon

The Blog

Base & Elevated System (and Grouped!) Background Colors

In iOS 13, Apple introduced a slew of new colors that are also dynamic – meaning they will adjust between light and dark modes (and other scenarios, such as high contrast). Of the new colors, the various background colors are pretty pecular: iOS defines two sets of background colors—system and grouped—each of which contains primary,…

iOS iOS 13

Always Taking Inquiries

At the moment I am not taking on many new projects, but am still available for inquiry or questions.

Reach Out To Dan