
RxSwift + MVVM, my favorite solution

I began to follow this pattern when developing Mango and it’s quickly become one of my favorite and most powerful ways to connect View Models to their controllers. I’ve continued the pattern into Caramel 2 and without a doubt it’s a way I’ll continue to organize code in future projects, even when moving away from…

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NSBatchDeleteRequest works by deleting directly from the store and even though it’s the managedObjectContext executing the request, it happens outside of its knowledge and therefore, isn’t aware of the persistent store change.

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iTunes 11’s “Show More” button

For awhile now I’ve been trying to create a new section in my blog dedicated to highlighting out others’ UI blunders in an attempt to learn from mistakes past made. Let’s take a look at iTunes 11 today and point out the things that seemingly don’t matter, but really do. A list of tracks in…

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The Blog

I spend quite a bit of time developing and will occasionally write about some of my experiences. You can also find my musings

Always Taking Inquiries

At the moment I am not taking on many new projects, but am still available for inquiry or questions.

Reach Out To Dan